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Benchmark Insights

As an HR leader, some of your biggest stressors revolve around the employee experience—from finding ways to compete for top talent, to keeping your current workforce happy and engaged. isolved Benchmark Insights provides a key component to streamlining and enhancing your talent strategy by presenting crucial industry data that enable you to make meaningful improvements and meet the demands of the modern workforce.

Solution Video

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Key Solution Features


Evaluate the salary, tenure, and turnover of your internal positions and compare that with industry averages from over six million employee records to uncover whether you are higher, lower, or on par with others in your market.

Drill Down

Drill deeper into each metric to see exactly which employees hold that position in your organization and how they compare individually to the benchmark.


Take it a step further with predictive modeling and guidance capabilities within isolved Predictive People Analytics to test different scenarios and better understand the effects of your salary changes.

isolved Talent Intelligence

Craft competitive compensation strategies

isolved Talent Intelligence combines Compensation Management with Predictive People Analytics, Benchmark Insights and Performance Management to empower your HR team to drive greater performance and elevate your business to new heights. Support data-driven decision-making with intelligently connected solutions that enable more informed, meaningful and equitable compensation choices.

Key Industries

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