Latest updates coming to isolved People Cloud!
Important changes to isolved People Cloud going live on Friday, September 22
AEE – I-9 Updates without Onboarding
Clients who do not utilize isolveds Onboarding feature but still have a need for an employee to electronically complete their part of the I-9 can now have the employee use the Adaptive Employee Experience (AEE) to complete the I-9 from anywhere, at anytime on any device. The client simply enables the I-9 in the Adaptive setup to provide the ability for the employee to complete their I-9 under the Personal Information section of AEE.

Expense Management – Approve All
Expense Approvers can now Approve Multiple or All Expenses at one time with a simple click. This will allow Approvers to quickly view and approve Expenses and decrease the time it takes from employee Expense entry to employee reimbursement.

For a full listing of all maintenance items in the 8.18 release please visit your client landing page within the People Cloud Platform.
isolved GO Mobile Application – Functionality Disabled
As previously mentioned, effective 10/7/22 the isolved GO App will not longer function. When employee navigate to the GO App they will receive a message stating "Unable to communicate with server. Please Try again." The Adaptive Employee Experience allows employees to use the same functionality as the isolved GO App from their mobile device. The isolved Timeforce app will continue to function as it does today.