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Case Study > Chileda

Nonprofit Nets $150K a Year Savings with People Cloud and Process Optimization

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Does your company promote from within? Ninety percent of Chileda’s management positions are filled internally – almost unheard of any many organizations.

Chileda, a nonprofit improving the quality of life for children and adults with cognitive and behavioral challenges, prioritizes internal promotions to foster a culture of growth. With this focus, the company has custom internal candidate processes, supported with isolved People Cloud.

“At Chileda, we pride ourselves in enabling and trusting our employees to grow into leadership positions,” said Dana Von Ruden, Human Resources Director at Chileda. “Since we require 2-3 internal reference for an internal candidate, we used to email back and forth with team members and try to track their responses manually. With isolved Attract & Hire, we set up our own survey, simply click send to send it to the reference and then track within one system. This has saved us time for every internal candidate.”

This time saved is extremely valuable to Chileda which offers educational and residential programs across two locations – and hires special education teachers, caregivers, corporate staff and more to total over 225 employees. Chileda has room for roughly 20 percent more staff.

When needing to fill open positions, externally, Chileda uses isolved to navigate changes to talent acquisition and automate as much as possible.

“We’re seeing very positive results with isolved’s applicant tracking system,” said Von Ruden. “By eliminating email- and paper-driven processes, we’ve been able to reduce the time it takes to process an applicant by at least 50 percent. We try to use every feature that is available to us such as posting to all the job boards in one click. We click publish one time and our open positions go out to every applicable job board. It saves a lot of time in just posting alone as well.”

Once hired, Chileda leverages isolved Onboard & Develop to streamline new-hire information, automate manual onboarding tasks and notify new hires of required actions. With isolved Learn, Chileda also offers a full learning management system to help employees get more comfortable, advance their professional careers and track compliance needs. From there, Chileda’s use of isolved’s workforce management suite helps with advanced scheduling, employee communications and workforce insights.

“We’re not a typical 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. company as we have three shifts, various departments, shift premiums, holiday premiums and more,” said Von Ruden. “Previous to isolved, we were with Kronos for about four years. At the point we had to do an upgrade with Kronos and that was looking to be expensive. We weren’t too thrilled with that and that’s what brought us to market. The biggest compliment we get about isolved is the ease of use for frontline supervisors. So much work is put on frontline supervisors – they must be ninjas who know it all – and isolved has eliminated frustrating processes with a system that can be used by anyone. Supervisors tell us they are spending far less time on payroll and that the time they spend on timecards has been cut in half.”

The original decision to move to isolved happened in 2019.

“Our sales rep showed out the future of isolved so we could see what would happen in the next 3-5 years,” said Von Ruden. “If they weren’t offering what we asked about at the time, we knew it would be there soon. We wanted to be along for that ride to have input on what we needed. isolved hasn’t disappointed. Back then, isolved checked all the boxes and the price was right. Today, we continue to add on products with a company we believe in. Our preference will always be to have one suite that can handle it all.”

For next steps, Chileda plans to get onboard with isolved Adaptive Employee Experience, a modern employee interface that can be accessed anywhere and on any device, and move fully digital to say goodbye to filing cabinets once and for all.

“I spend quite a bit of time in isolved, and I only have great things to say about my experience,” said Von Ruden. “Any type of business could benefit from using isolved. Could be as small as 10 employees and as large as 10,000 and use isolved. As we have grown and added different business units, we’ve been able to stay with isolved without any hiccups and imagine that will be the case in the future as well.”

Estimated cost and time savings:

  • 30 hours a month by automating applicant tracking, scheduling and time cards
  • 25% less drop-off in candidates due to meeting candidate experience expectations
  • 50% faster fill time for open requisitions
  • $150K a year in cost savings for hours saved, faster hires and by eliminating time-clock and other errors

isolved solutions in use:

  • Open enrollment & benefits cost analysis
  • Geofencing
  • Applicant tracking
  • Learning management
  • Onboarding
  • Tax
  • Time & labor management
  • Scheduling
  • Payroll
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