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Case Study > Community Interface Services

Non-Profit ditches manual processes and gains efficiency

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“Manual. Time-consuming. Inefficient.”

That is how Ashley Floyd, Human Resources Supervisor at Community Interface Services (CIS), described the processes her department had in place to accomplish basic HR tasks prior to implementing isolved People Cloud.

The well-established nonprofit was using isolved for payroll when they began searching for a single solution that could streamline other core needs—recruiting, onboarding, maintaining employee files and training their staff.

A fixture in San Diego County since 1980, CIS provides care to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Their services focus on community inclusion, training for employment, housing, community living and other related services. They have experienced steady growth over the decades and currently employ a team of 244 mostly full-time, salaried and hourly employees.

As their team grew, so did their workforce management needs. The tools they were relying on—including a FileMaker database and an internal server—were cumbersome and couldn’t sustain their newfound responsibilities. To remedy this problem, the HR department sought a full-end-to-end human capital management (HCM) platform that was customizable so they could add services to accommodate future growth.

The search ended when CIS saw a demo of isolved People Cloud’s capabilities beyond payroll. They were immediately impressed by the technology’s scalability, and quickly began adding to their suite: Attract & Hire (applicant tracking), Human Resources (HRIS), Onboard & Develop (onboarding), Learn & Grow (learning management), and soon Time and Labor Management.

isolved enabled CIS to consolidate and reduce their technology stack. Now, Floyd appreciates having only one platform to access.

“isolved has helped us get everything into one platform. We look forward to completely shutting down all our other systems,” said Floyd.

“Fully electronic. Automated. Paperless.”

That is Floyd’s vision for CIS, and isolved is providing support by streamlining the employee life cycle, including:

Hiring – To grow their team, the HR department can automatically post open positions to job boards with a single click, pre-screen candidates with questionnaires and schedule interviews through integrated calendars. CIS hopes the system will help reduce their fill time and increase the number of applicants.

Onboarding – An organized workflow allows CIS’ newest team members to complete all required forms electronically, contributing to a paperless environment. With their modern onboarding intelligently connected to isolved People Cloud, CIS saves time per new hire.

Maintaining Data – All employee data can be stored within a single-source database that allows for automatic filing of signed documents and training records. By eliminating the need to enter data into multiple systems, CIS saves the HR staff several hours a month.

Training – Keeping her team up to date on training and certifications is easily accomplished through the learning management system that Floyd accesses within the same platform.

“Responsive. Knowledgeable. Friendly.”

That is how Floyd describes her customer service representatives. She knows she has someone at the ready to contact when she has a question or when her team needs to address a challenge. That is why she’s quick to refer isolved to other organizations.

“I would recommend isolved’s friendly team members to other companies who have outgrown their current solution and want to be well-equipped, like us, for whatever the future holds,” said Floyd.

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