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Case Study > Marsh McLennan Agency

Broker Saves Clients with isolved

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Brokers are meant to set their clients up for success when it comes to compliance and COBRA. But, when the complexities of both cause confusion, even brokers need support. isolved helped this agency save its clients and its business.  

Brokerage Takes Clients to New Heights with COBRA and Compliance Solutions

Marsh McLennan Agency (MMA) offers a full portfolio of health and benefits and private insurance solutions to clients and organizations across North America. With 160 offices throughout the country, they aim to offer personalized services similar to that of a local consultant. With the goal of treating each of their clients individually and with bespoke service, the products and services they refer must be top notch.

COBRA Solution That Saves

It’s important to MMA that what they provide to their clients is not only individualized but impactful. According to DeAnna Hearne, a broker with MMA, prior to partnering with isolved, MMA was referring another TPA with COBRA services to their clients. But, once introduced to the expansive offerings and tailored services that isolved has to offer, they started referring their clients and have been for the last five years.

With COBRA being a top priority for many of their clients, it’s a main service they promote. According to Hearne, “not only does isolved help clients who are used to administering their COBRA in-house by providing them full-service models, isolved also helps them to remain compliant”. Compliance is not only complex and confusing, but time consuming. MMA’s clients have been able stay on top of notices, save time and never miss a deadline since working with isolved.

Keeping Clients Top of Mind

MMA recommends isolved to their clients because of the consistently easy process which takes so much burden away from their clients. The reliability and simplicity make their lives easier and allows them more time to focus on other important aspects of their business.

One of the best parts of working with isolved is the impact it has had on MMA’s clients.  One client would have missed a COBRA notice going out but due to the helpful emails and error reporting notices that isolved sends out, they were able to stay on track.

The greatest benefit is time saved and their clients’ ability to remain compliant. By using isolved, their clients have seen a significant reduction in time spent processing COBRA, money saved on administering plans and are able stay compliant year after year.

A Benefit to All

Not only are the clients seeing the benefits of working with isolved, but MMA’s business has also been impacted as well, having a support system in the isolved COBRA team. With the quick response from isolved, MMA doesn’t have to worry about application, reporting or implementation setup with their clients. According to Hearne, “isolved is equipped with the all the resources. The ease of using the system as well as the reporting is why we would refer them to other brokers or agencies.”

As time passes and more clients are positively impacted, MMA can only see their partnership with isolved growing. Hearne says, “As we bring on clients in the mid-market that are growing, they need a robust COBRA service and a team they can rely on.” The partnership benefits their clients and their business, making working with isolved a win-win for everyone.

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