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Case Study > Maschio's Food Services

Food Service provider returns to isolved after payroll errors

Logo for Maschio's Food Services with dark text.

When it comes to all-inclusive HR platforms, it can often be difficult to find the right balance for employees, especially when your workforce is spread across several states and locations.

Maschio’s Food Services provides meals for students and staff in state school districts. They are currently the largest provider of food services for schools in New Jersey and also manage districts in Pennsylvania and Florida.

With approximately 2,500 employees total, proper management of payroll is crucial. While most employees are classified as part-time, there are some full-time, salaried roles as well.

Complexities in payroll can easily cause issues for HR, eventually affecting overall employee experience. Payroll was rated as the top HR activity that needs the most improvement in isolved’s 2023 HR Trends Survey.

Communication is Key

Maschio’s Food Services was leveraging Balance Point, a regional payroll service provider and reseller of isolved People Cloud, which was acquired by isolved in 2021. They stayed on with isolved through the transition, but after implementation they experienced friction from the changes in payroll management.

HR Director Cheryl Sarro and team eventually decided to leave isolved for Paycom, but isolved stayed in touch. This came in handy when errors in payroll processing with Paycom arose. Sarro was able to reach back out to isolved for access to their correct payroll information, still in the isolved system.

“The information from Paycom was incorrect. It wasn’t current. The rate and wages were wrong. It was totally disastrous,” Sarro said. 

While still with Paycom, Sarro continued contact with her original isolved Customer Success Manager. After discussing products and best options for their team, Maschio’s Food Services ultimately decided to return to isolved in April 2023.

“The olive branch, the generosity and graciousness they extended to us during that time was very business-like and a warm welcome back. We’re very happy to be back with isolved,” Sarro said. 

Providing Service, Seeing Results

The main advantage gained by returning to isolved, Sarro says, is level of customer service. With solving issues and providing excellent employee experience top of mind, having access to quick, efficient HR solutions is key.

“With isolved, the person you speak with is the person who gets you the results. With Paycom, we didn’t get past the implementation stage. We didn’t have a designated support person. We always had to wait for our implementation person to reach out to two or three additional team members before we got answers,” Sarro said.

The fast, helpful support has saved Sarro time and saved the business money as they had previously reached out to outside services and costly legal teams for help for development of resources like employee handbooks and labor posters.

They have also seen the benefits from improvements to the isolved platform in their short time away. The launch of apps has allowed employees who are out in the field ease of access and the option to complete tasks on mobile, rather than having to wait for access to a desktop.

In total, it’s estimated that by returning to isolved Maschio’s Food Services saves more than 10 hours per payroll cycle via automation of processing and up to 75 hours on employee handbook creation via isolved HR Services.

Strategizing for HR Success

In the future, Sarro says training will be key for Maschio’s Food Services employees.

“Our training program is key for us. Our safety program is key for us. So, that’s where we really want to expand for the people out in the field.”

As an HR team of one, Sarro counts on isolved to provide the support needed to take Maschio’s Food Service to the next level of success.

“I would definitely recommend isolved because of the customer service,” Sarro said. “I have not met a more energetic staff. We don’t feel like we don’t know what we’re doing. We’re just surrounded by teams. It’s never just one person. It’s always a team of people to help you. The support they give is amazing.”

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