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Case Study > Rocky Mountain Diabetes Center

Fast-Growing Healthcare Company Eases HR Burden through HR Augmentation


All successful organizations experience some level of growing pains and Rocky Mountain Diabetes Center (RMDC) is no exception. RMDC started out as a small doctor’s office and has expanded into a medical office that has a clinical research department, pharmacy and reference laboratory.

The Idaho-based center now has five locations and employs a team of 200 who are primarily full-time and hourly. RMDC has established itself as a leader in endocrinology and attracts patients from all over the U.S. With fast growth comes challenges. According to Jill Fish, Account Manager of RMDC, one of those challenges was keeping up with HR demands, specifically streamlining processes and remaining compliant amid fast-changing law requirements. “As we’ve become larger, compliance/regulatory concerns have risen, which drives us to tidy up policies, job descriptions and more.”

RMDC turned to isolved to help automate as many administrative tasks as possible. Fish is pleased with the decision, “The product is very comprehensive, support is helpful, and pricing is reasonable.” Working with isolved has accelerated RMDC’s vision for HR at the company which, according to Fish, is “to support the company mission while facilitating growth and reducing manual processes.”

HR Augmentation to the Rescue

Since they lack a formal HR team, RMDC began leveraging isolved HR Services to augment their needs. To date, isolved HR Services has updated their handbook and job descriptions and is ensuring compliance with labor laws. RMDC’s General Manager, Von Crofts, acknowledges the impact isolved is making, “Even though we are in just the beginning of the process, we have so much peace of mind knowing we have the support to keep us in compliance.”

In addition to easing the compliance burden, isolved HR Services has given RMDC the ability to focus on initiatives that have been put on the back burner. According to Fish, “Having a knowledgeable team that is providing analysis and also doing some of the legwork has saved us a lot of time.” In fact, it’s estimated that the support provided by isolved HR Services will save the RMDC team 130+ hours over the course of the year.

A Promising Future

As the team at RMDC looks to the future, they anticipate utilizing isolved HR Services for other support including conducting a market analysis of their positions. According to Crofts, the flexibility of the service is what he appreciates most. “I like the idea of having the option for special projects that arise.”

isolved HR Services is helping RMDC do more with less. By taking care of the tactical items, the RMDC team can spend more time growing and achieving their goals. As Crofts states, “They are providing knowledge, direction, and ‘hand holding’ to get us there.

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