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Case Study > The Idaho Hand Institute

Healthcare Small Business Simplifies Documentation with isolved

Idaho Hand Institute

It’s often said that small businesses are the backbone of the American economy. Purposeful small businesses are much more than just economic drivers: they operate to elevate their communities and improve the lives of their clients.

The Idaho Hand Institute is a perfect example. Founded in 2013, the practice began operations under the banner of offering exceptional care for upper extremity injuries and conditions to anyone. While serving as a regional hub of expertise, the practice also provides free care and surgery to Peruvians who otherwise wouldn’t receive treatment.

However, day-to-day tasks and responsibilities create obstacles for small businesses. The Idaho Hand Institute enlisted isolved to streamline operations while saving time and capital.

A Consolidated Solution

Prior to using isolved, the company didn’t have a single source of truth when it came to employee documentation. Using disparate systems often requires HR professionals to switch platforms, log in to multiple systems, open multiple spreadsheets and double-check their work. In other words, a labor-intensive and inefficient process.

As the company has 17 employees spread across multiple locations, keeping employee documentation in order can be a chore. With isolved, the Idaho Hand Institute streamlines HR processes by eliminating duplicate data entry and manual processes, reducing time spent on administrative tasks by 50 percent. According to Ryan Bowen, a Practice Manager at the company, using isolved has not only saved time, but “ensured that employee documentation is aligned properly.”

Saving Time and Money

In the healthcare industry, time is a precious commodity—especially for small businesses. Consider, for example, keeping track of new employee information. This process involves collecting the new employee’s data, confirming eligibility, sending required notices and calculating tax payments. The process isn’t just time-consuming: failure to keep compliance throughout the process can lead to hefty fines for the company.

According to Bowen, using isolved as an HR partner has “saved SO much time.” The partnership allows the Idaho Hand Institute to focus on its core business while streamlining processes, bolstering compliance and reducing administrative workloads. “It’s the best and is affordable,” Bowen said.

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