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Summit One Source COVID Compliance

isolved has partnered with Summit One Source to help companies navigate OSHA’s new vaccine-or-testing mandate. Summit One Source provides a comprehensive set of tools to maintain compliance with confidence and to keep your people protected.

Summit One Source is a unique one-source solution providing the testing, technology, and tracking necessary to maintain compliance. With over 15 years in the payroll management business, Summit One Source has a proven track record of helping companies take care of their employees.

Why do I need Summit One Source?

The proposed OSHA ETS was not upheld. The mandate would have required businesses with 100+ employees to implement drastic changes to their COVID policies. While the mandate may not be in play, businesses are still looking to align their resources with their company culture, industry standards, and local regulatory requirements.

Benefits of Partnering with Summit One Source

Summit One Source provides your one-stop-shop for:

What can Summit One Source do for my company?

When it comes to COVID-19 testing, tracking, and compliance, there’s nothing Summit One Source can’t do for your company. Summit One Source will work with you to customize a program that works best for your needs, from scheduling, to testing, to reporting and avoiding fines. Their technology keeps your employees’ records up to date; testing options range from PCR tests to rapid tests; and they can arrange for weekly in-person testing at your place of work. They also provide telehealth solutions and further support services for managing COVID-19.

With an easy decision-making tree for guidance, you can build your compliance program based on your culture and environment. Once these decisions are made, Summit One Source can build the technology program and be ready to operate in less than 72 hours. The integration will handle syncing of required employee data from isolved, allowing ease of administration for employee messaging and scheduling.

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