Fixing the Family Glitch, What the Final Rule on Family Affordability Means for Employers
02 October, 2023

What is the ACA's 'family glitch?' The Affordable Care Act was signed into law on March 23, 2010. It is more commonly known as the “ACA” or its nickname, Obamacare. Among the many provisions of the ACA were the requirements for employers with 50 or more full-time workers o...
Finalized Rule on Required Electronic Filing Threshold
07 March, 2023

The IRS released their final rule on electronic filing requirements for specified returns. This impacts a number of returns filed to the IRS including forms related to Affordable Care Act (ACA) reporting, specifically 1094 and 1095-B and 1095-C. Key Takeaways It reduces the electroni...
ACA Form Deadlines for 2023
12 December, 2022

Distribution date of 1095B/C to employees is automatically extended In early 2021, all signs pointed to no deadline extensions from the IRS for ACA 1094/1095 Reporting. However, in 2022 the IRS made a reversal in their original position, and issued a proposed rule for a permanent, automatic extensio...
ACA Form Deadlines for 2022
16 December, 2021

The holiday gifts arrive early for employers required to file and furnish 1094/1095 ACA Reporting forms. In early 2021, all signs pointed to no deadline extensions from the IRS for ACA 1094/1095 Reporting in 2022. The IRS just recently made a reversal in their original position, and issued a propose...