How to Help Clients with the Complexities of Leave Management
26 April, 2024

Fifty-nine percent of HR decision-makers work with an HR advisor and 56% work with a benefits broker according to isolved’s Fourth Annual HR Leaders survey. Among the top drivers for working with these trusted business partners is the need for assistance with ensuring compliance. While there are man...
Survey Says: Payroll is the #1 Area of Improvement
15 January, 2024

According to isolved’s third-annual HR Trends report, based on findings from a survey of 1,100 full-time employees, payroll is the number one HR activity in need of improvement. With 55 percent of employees living paycheck to paycheck, nothing is more detrimental to the employee experience (EX) than...
Help Your Clients Navigate the HR Landscape in 2024: Prioritizing Benefits, Surveys and HCM Technology
13 December, 2023

As the countdown to the new year begins, your clients are gearing up to tackle the evolving landscape of human resources, benefits and payroll. Insights we received from our third-annual HR Leaders Report shed light on the top priorities for HR decision-makers in 2024. Unsurprisingly, three key init...
Compliance Updates for Brokers: Stay Informed and Ensure Compliance
01 December, 2023

According to our 2023 Broker Survey whitepaper, 97 percent of the brokers surveyed consider compliance services very-to-extremely important to their portfolio. And 64 percent say compliance education is a major reason their clients engage with them. Compliance is one of the most important topics for...
Benefits Limits for 2023
30 October, 2023

With a new year approaching it’s time to ensure your clients are up to date with employee benefit plan limits. For your convenience, here’s a reference list. And for comparing year-to-year changes, limits for 2023 and 2024 are included. Benefits Limits for 2023 HSA (Health Savings Account) The HSA c...
Fixing the Family Glitch, What the Final Rule on Family Affordability Means for Employers
02 October, 2023

What is the ACA's 'family glitch?' The Affordable Care Act was signed into law on March 23, 2010. It is more commonly known as the “ACA” or its nickname, Obamacare. Among the many provisions of the ACA were the requirements for employers with 50 or more full-time workers o...
IRS Finalized Rules: How will they impact you?
26 September, 2023

In late 2022 the IRS issued a final rule extending deadlines for furnishing ACA forms to employees and participants. Under the final rule, filing entities, employers or providers of coverage will receive an automatic 30-day extension on the deadline to provide the 1095 “B” or “C” forms to employees...
States Providing Family Leave
21 September, 2023

The list of states that required paid family leave (PFL) used to be minimal, but over the last year this list has grown exponentially. State paid family leave mandates employers who operate in that state or have employees who work in that state to provide prolonged time off related to certain qualif...
FMLA—A Way to Make Clients a Part of the Family
20 September, 2023

The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) has been celebrated as a way for American workers to take care of their families. However, managing leave events can be confusing for employers—especially as provisions of the law change on both the state and federal levels. As organizations downsize their HR...
EEOC Announces EEO-1 Report Filing Deadline
15 September, 2023

EEO-1 Component 1 Data Collection platform will open on October 31, 2023. Deadline to file the 2022 EEO-1 Component 1 Report is December 5, 2023. 2022 Instruction Booklet is available Who Must File the EEO-1 Annual Report? Private employers subject to Title VII with 100 or more employees &a...
Court Rules in IRS’s Favor of ACA Mandate
16 August, 2023

ACA Challenge Has Been Denied. On August 8, 2023, a U.S. Court of Appeals ruled in favor of the IRS, dismissing Optimal Wireless’ case against them alleging that the IRS and Department of Health and Human Services failed to satisfy certain procedural requirements before imposing their proposed exact...
The NLRB Issues Decision Impacting Employee Handbooks
16 August, 2023

Here's What You Need to Know. On August 2, 2023, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) issued a decision in Stericycle Inc., impacting employer handbooks and policies. Under the Stericycle standard, workplace rules and policies are presumed to be unlawful if an employee can reasonably interp...
Tactics to Build Your Book of Business (And How the Right Partner Can Help)
20 July, 2023

Today’s climate makes business a challenge for brokers. To scale or grow, it’s essential to build your book of business. But where do you start and how do you do it? Well, it’s no secret that building up your client base takes effort. It requires skill and an understanding of the market. According t...
How to differentiate your business and win more clients
08 June, 2023

In a competitive market, it's important for brokers to continually grow their book of business. Differentiating your business can be a challenge and knowing where to begin can be hard. We recently surveyed brokers across the country to get their take on how they're managing. The top takeaway...
Finalized Rule on Required Electronic Filing Threshold
07 March, 2023

The IRS released their final rule on electronic filing requirements for specified returns. This impacts a number of returns filed to the IRS including forms related to Affordable Care Act (ACA) reporting, specifically 1094 and 1095-B and 1095-C. Key Takeaways It reduces the electroni...
Top Areas Brokers Should Focus on in 2023
16 February, 2023

Compliance can be complex and ensuring that your clients are adhering to the requirements can be challenging. It can be especially difficult to know what areas to focus on when you have clients with varying needs. Understanding the most important parts of compliance all around can benefit both you a...
Preparing for 2023: Top Tips for Brokers
17 January, 2023

As we approach the end of 2022, it’s time to start thinking of the new year. We’re breaking down what brokers need to get ready and areas to focus on. Your clients need to find, hire and keep the best employees. They also want to reduce the workload for HR processes like payroll and reporting. And m...
Washington DC Parking Cashout Law: New Requirements
13 January, 2023

Washington DC has an established transit benefit requirement which encourages workers to take public transportation, rideshare or use greener means of transportation. Organizations with 20 or more employees working in the District of Columbia are required to offer employees one (or more) of the foll...
ACA Form Deadlines for 2023
12 December, 2022

Distribution date of 1095B/C to employees is automatically extended In early 2021, all signs pointed to no deadline extensions from the IRS for ACA 1094/1095 Reporting. However, in 2022 the IRS made a reversal in their original position, and issued a proposed rule for a permanent, automatic extensio...
Help Your Clients Create the Ultimate HSA Saving Plan
06 September, 2022

Help Your Clients Create the Ultimate HSA Saving Plan In today’s workplace, not only are employees looking for more benefit offerings, but they’re looking for financial security. Your clients are looking for ways to save money while attracting and retaining talent. So how can both be satisfied? A he...
Brokers, Help Your Clients Sleep at Night
12 April, 2022

If you were to ask your clients “when it comes to managing your workforce, what keeps you up at night?” it’s likely their responses would include “hiring and retaining staff” and “maintaining compliance,” two widespread challenges affecting employers today. As a trusted business partner, you can bri...
Broker Compensation Disclosures
27 January, 2022

For decades there have been distinct differences between retirement plans and health and welfare plans when it comes to ERISA compliance. With the recent Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (CAA) disclosure requirements are now more in alignment. As with any amendment, there are lots of questions...
ACA Form Deadlines for 2022
16 December, 2021

The holiday gifts arrive early for employers required to file and furnish 1094/1095 ACA Reporting forms. In early 2021, all signs pointed to no deadline extensions from the IRS for ACA 1094/1095 Reporting in 2022. The IRS just recently made a reversal in their original position, and issued a propose...