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How One Scenario Proves That HR Isn’t Dead

Tuesday September 29th, 2015

Estimated time to read: 3 minutes

In a world that is increasingly dependent on electronics, one might wonder if the traditional human resources department is really necessary.

The answer? The traditional human resources department has no place in this ever evolving world of modern communication, flexible schedules, and diverse employees. However, a contemporary human capital management system is more than welcome in our present-day workforce.

As our workplaces evolve and become more electronically centered, new opportunities and challenges have arisen in the field of human resources that were previously unheard of. HR representatives are continuing to seek solutions that simplify processes, while quantifying positive results.

Though our cultures are becoming increasingly immersed in technology every single day, there is one facet of our workforces that cannot be ignored: they are undeniably human.

The fact that we are still hiring and employing human staff members, despite our dependence on technology, necessitates that we still need HR functions in the workplace. Thus, we still need Human Resources Management.

It is safe to say that the general public associates HR with basic functions such as hiring, firing, and payroll. As HR professionals, we know that this field is much deeper than what is on the surface. HR is arguably one of the most important aspects of a successfully functioning business. 

A World Without HR

Without the help of HR professionals, companies would lack the ability to successfully recruit, interview, hire, train and develop new employees. These new employees would not be assigned to appropriate positions, and would most likely wreak havoc on the company’s bottom line.

Appropriate pay scales would not be properly allocated to each employee, and because no one would know exactly what it is that they are supposed to be doing, due to the fact that an accurate job description had not been drafted.

Morale at this company would fizzle into nothing, causing increasing turnover rates that continue to eat away at the operations accounts. Disgruntled employees cite numerous violations of state and federal employment laws that caused their eventual termination of employment with this company, be it by choice or by force.

The company would be bankrupt, a victim of substantial lawsuits, and as the icing on the cake, bad press will follow the owners wherever they may go.

All of this turmoil due to the fact that the company did not support a functional HRM system.

While this is an extreme scenario, it is something that many employers in small to medium sized businesses can relate to. Chances are your company has experienced some of these scenarios, and are wondering how you can improve your HRM strategy to eliminate and prevent these scenarios from happening.

Why We Still Need HR

Contemporary HR is more important than ever because of how different the workplace has become. Consider the following reasons why we still need HR:

  • Traditional 9-5 schedules are gone, with many salaried employees working well over 40 hours per week. These increased hours often mean blurred lines when it comes to separating work and home life. Blurred lines can lead to burnout, which can lead to decreased morale, or even increased employee turnover.
  • Recruiting qualified candidates for open positions is a crucial skillset in the field of HR. Being able to identify the most qualified candidate can mean the difference between a loyal, long-term, company focused employee, and a waste of recruiting, training, and development resources spent on a new hire who “just isn’t feeling it” after about 3 weeks.
  • Company-wide compliance with regards to state and federal employment laws and regulations is a critical aspect of HRM. Failing to comply with these government standards can cause short- and long-term financial damage to a company, as well as injury to public image.
  • Creating a company culture is an amazing privilege of any HR department. HR is privileged to develop the soul of the company, bringing with it the acceptance and achievement of an organization built on integrity, fairness, and collaboration. The HR department truly sets the tone for the entire organization by developing and sustaining this culture.

While these reasons only skim the surface of the deep blue ocean that is HR, we can gather from these few functions that HR is still very much a vital part of any successful business.

Making HR Work For The Professionals

The field of HR still needs Humans, but now these Humans need software that works for them.

Enter iSolved from Infinisource. iSolved is an HCM SaaS that eliminates the headaches, communication breakdowns, and paper trails associated with traditional HR functions.

iSolved doesn’t replace your employees; it helps them perform their jobs more efficiently. satellite world map iSolved helps HR professionals to manage human capital intelligently, by providing SaaS solutions for payroll, benefits administration, talent management, and compliance: all in one, easy to use program.

Since iSolved is scalable, it is the ideal HCM solution for small to medium sized businesses looking to enhance their current HR professional’s abilities.

The introduction of iSolved reaffirms our initial finding that HR is still a critically important aspect of any small to medium sized business. This revolutionary SaaS works to put your HR professionals at ease, knowing that all aspects of HR at your organization are safe with iSolved.

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