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Ghosting in the workplace, and how to prevent it

07 January, 2020

Estimated time to read: 2 minutes, 15 seconds


Read any online human resources publication and you’ll no doubt see a scary number of headlines lamenting the phenomenon of “ghosting.”  Is it cultural? Generational? Or are your recruitment efforts just that bad?  Let’s examine some of the key elements that def...

2020 HR changes: Payroll, labor, regulations and more

19 December, 2019

Estimated time to read: 2 minutes


As we enter the second decade of the second millennium, it’s clear that business practices have come a long way. In 2020, numerous changes - legal, cultural and otherwise - are expected to reshape how the human resources department operates. Below, we’ve outlined several recent devel...

How your HCM solution can make FLSA overtime pay compliance easier

10 December, 2019

Estimated time to read: 1 minute, 30 seconds


Effective Jan. 1, 2020, employers across the nation will ring in the new year with evolving employee salaries and job responsibilities - potentially. The U.S. Department of Labor updated the Fair Labor Standards Act salary thresholds for administrative and professional employees (white-collar job...

What You Need to Know About the Metropolitan Commuter Transportation Mobility Tax (MCTMT)

03 December, 2019

Estimated time to read: 45 seconds


 The New York State Department of Taxation and Finance has released information about a tax that applies to employers within the state. This tax, titled the Metropolitan Commuter Transportation Mobility Tax (MCTMT), applies to employers who:Are required to withhold New York State income tax fro...

Three Tips to Get Compliant with New Overtime Requirements

12 November, 2019

Estimated time to read: 1 minute, 30 seconds


On September 24, 2019, the Department of Labor announced a final rule that updates the thresholds for executive, administrative, and professional employees under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). The changes are slated to go into effect on January 1, 2020. These modifications to the FLSA are expe...

Employee engagement as a content marketing strategy

05 November, 2019

Estimated time to read: 2 minutes, 30 seconds


How are the cold calls, templated email pitches and paid LinkedIn ads working for you as a marketing strategy? Not so hot, huh? That’s because prospects are sick of stale, generic corporate messaging. Consumers employ ad blockers, adjust their social media feed settings and create email in...

How great company culture organically creates brand ambassadors

23 October, 2019

Estimated time to read: 2 minutes


Your reach only goes so far. Maybe you have a couple thousand LinkedIn followers and hundreds of Facebook posts no one engages with. Maybe your HR department has grand ideas on how to revolutionize company culture to mirror the glitz and glam of Silicon Valley startups. One way to improve your...

4 things HR managers can do right now to change company culture

01 October, 2019

Estimated time to read: 1 minute, 45 seconds


Company culture is everything. It’s the No. 1 reason why employees leave. But fundamentally transforming company culture can be a Herculean task with no guarantee that any changes you implement will take root or be effective. As such, it’s easy to be discouraged from large-scale changes...

7 Tips for effective employee performance reviews

24 September, 2019

Estimated time to read: 1 minute, 45 seconds


Performance reviews can set the tone for employee-employer relations for the rest of the year. Done poorly, reviews can become punitive. Done well, reviews can be pathways toward further employee excellence. So let’s look at seven key tips for running a more effective employee performance r...

How to engage remote employees: 6 Techniques

10 September, 2019

Estimated time to read: 2 minutes, 30 seconds


The world is going remote. More and more, businesses are ditching commercial office space and formal on-site requirements in favor of virtual workplaces. But with physical distance separating colleagues and bosses from staff, does employee engagement risk dropping off? It doesn’t have to....

Just how closely is employee engagement tied to workplace productivity (and other KPIs)?

26 August, 2019

Estimated time to read: 1 minute, 30 seconds


Companies that report high levels of employee engagement are lucky. They likely have staff members who are satisfied with their jobs and their respective career trajectories. They may have great teamwork and even some legendary happy hours. But what about core business metrics? Are engaged employ...

What Does it Take to Energize Company Culture in 2019

30 July, 2019

Estimated time to read: 2 minutes, 15 seconds


You’ve got time sheets to manage. Quotas to hit. Money goes in, money goes out. These metrics make your business run. But what they don’t measure is what makes your company your company. What is it about your employees that differentiate them from anyone else in the job market? What ge...

4 personalized employee engagement strategies HR managers are using in 2019

16 July, 2019

Estimated time to read: 2 minutes, 30 seconds


You’ve got a new idea you’d like to implement next quarter, and you need a buy-in from your boss or a team of stakeholders. But did you get buy-in from your employees, too? It may sound backwards to need employee approval – after all, you’re the HR manager. You roll out solu...

Looking Ahead at the Proposed Overtime Rule

19 June, 2019

Estimated time to read: 1 minute, 30 seconds


The U.S. Department of Labor recently released a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that would revise the federal overtime regulations. This notice begins a public comment period that will last for 60 days and allow people to share their feedback about the proposal. The release of a change to the overti...

Planning Ahead for Local and State Minimum Wage Increases

28 May, 2019

Estimated time to read: 1 minute, 30 seconds


Managing payroll is already complex, and when you factor in the ever-changing regulations, it can be downright challenging. One of the changes your business may be facing in 2019 is a local or state minimum wage increase. This year, 21 states and a number of local jurisdictions have increased their...

Three Tips to Retain Your Top Talent

21 May, 2019

Estimated time to read: 2 minutes


In a strong economy, jobs are plentiful and employers often struggle with a different problem: retention. According to data from Ajilon, more than 80 percent of workers are open to a new job or are actively looking for one. Among those who aren’t actively looking, more than half would be willi...

The Right Way for Scaling Company Culture As You Grow

07 May, 2019

Estimated time to read: 2 minutes, 45 seconds


Workplace culture has never been more important. It drives your employee engagement, retention and success. And it ultimately determines how your customers will receive you. But as companies grow, how can they ensure their culture continues to advance in positive directions? A recent Inc. article,...

5 Tips to Convince Your Boss to Send You to isolved Connect

23 April, 2019

Estimated time to read: 1 minute, 15 seconds


iSolved Connect is fast approaching, and your time to save on registration is running out! Early Bird pricing ends on April 30, 2019, so if you want to take advantage of the savings and attend the largest gathering of iSolved users, you need to act fast! Need help convincing your boss to send you t...

The Future Calls for Three Skills – Do You Have What It Takes?

10 April, 2019

Estimated time to read: 1 minute, 45 seconds

It’s 2019 and technology is revolutionizing our industry. Many technological changes bring about new skills that are needed to handle the path we are traveling. Will you choose success or failure? Your skills, and the skills of your employees, will ultimately determine your path. So what skil...

How to Earn Employee Loyalty

04 April, 2019

Estimated time to read: 3 minutes

Employee loyalty is a vitally important component to the long-term success of your company. Without it you are likely to see a costly increase in employee turnover rates, as well as a decrease in productivity and efficiency. Your company culture is largely shaped by the way your employees feel abou...

What’s Holding Your Team Back and How to Move Past It

19 March, 2019

Estimated time to read: 2 minutes, 30 seconds

As a company leader, perhaps one of your greatest responsibilities is keeping your team on the path to success. You do this by setting goals, keeping the lines of communication open, reviewing progress and motivating each employee to do his or her best work. But sometimes, despite your best efforts,...

6 Employee Recognition Ideas to Start Using Today

05 March, 2019

Estimated time to read: 2 minutes, 30 seconds

Being good at employee recognition is great for your bottom line. Consider the following: What employees are more likely to stick with your company? The ones who work tirelessly without ever hearing a word of positive feedback? Or the ones who feel valued and seen because their efforts are rewarded...

What is Servant Leadership and How Can it Impact Your Team?

19 February, 2019

Estimated time to read: 2 minutes, 15 seconds

It's likely you've heard of other types of leadership – authoritarian, democratic, transformational – and while they are all quite different, they do have one thing in common. They all have a massive impact on company culture. Determining the style of leader that you would like t...

Why Employee Engagement Should Be Your Top Priority

05 February, 2019

Estimated time to read: 2 minutes, 15 seconds

There's a lot of responsibilities to juggle as a manager – you have to think about deadlines, incentives, and bottom lines, all while trying to coordinate a team of unique personalities and skill sets to push toward a common goal. While it isn't recommended to let any one of those thin...

How to Make the Most of Your Data

22 January, 2019

Estimated time to read: 2 minutes, 45 seconds

We are living in the golden age of information and technology. At the touch of a button, you can have the answer to any of your questions answered instantly. There is an app for everything and a solution to every problem. With such technological advancements as we've seen in the past few decades...

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